Today my heart is very heavy! I have been following a page on facebook called Prayers For Corbin. It a story about a little boy who was born with an extra chromosome. His parents were told that he would not survive birth and to prepare themselves. Corbin was born 7 weeks early he was not born healthy but he was born fighting. Fighting for his life and as I followed this little boys journey and read about him having surgery after surgery I couldn't believe the strength that he had and the strength both his parents had. They were not giving up on their little boy. Everyday his mom would post a picture of Corbin with a sign that had a beautiful saying about fighting and not giving up and how many days he has been fighting. Corbin had another surgery he came out of it doing well but later in the week he had developed a bad infection in his stomach. Corbin returned to is heavenly father today at 7:04 in the morning. It broke my heart! Corbin's parents are amazing they made the comment that they will not be mourning Corbin but celebrating his 135 days of life. No black at the funeral but bright colors! I agree his life should be celebrated! A life that was shared with millions of people and touched many. I believe this was Corbin's purpose! I do not believe Corbin's story ends here.
I look at my children and feel so blessed! I know Corbin's mother felt extremely blessed! Her son gave others hope! What an amazing little boy! I know he is at peace now!
This is the last sign that Corbin's mother posted on his last day here on earth! May his family find some comfort in knowing this little boy touched so many lives! Corbin is a miracle in so many ways. I know I will never forget him.....he touched my heart!

Rest in peace Corbin!
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