Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kolby's Story

     Kolby Wayne Eaby was born on March 13, 1999 at 4:44am weighing in at 13 1/2 oz and 10 inches long. He was born 24 weeks early. Kolby past away during birth. This is his story and my experience being pregnant for the first time and the emotional roller coaster that I went through when he didn't survive.
     I found out I was pregnant when I was 17 years old. I was working at KFC and I was at work when I found out. I was freaking out and I was scared to tell everyone. The first person I told was Brandon that is Kolby's father. I think he was also terrified and our relationship was not the best and the only reason we stayed together as long as we did was because of the pregnancy. I told my parents in the worse way during an argument and I wish I would have done it better. They were not angry just disappointed. My mom was a teen mom and did not want the same thing for her children. I think she was scared for me. At this time adoption was not an option for me. I wanted my baby!
     My pregnancy was never easy. I was sick from the very beginning all day and night. I would make sure I was in bed early just to avoid getting sick. Everything made me sick my prenatal vitamins and so many smells I couldn't keep track. I constantly threw up at work from the smell of the chicken and I would get sick in front of customers and have to run to the bathroom. It was horrible and embarrassing.
     I left my job at KFC and started working at Artic Circle. Brandon had just got an apartment right for us and the baby but I was not old enough to move in yet so I stayed at my parents . One day I was working and I slipped on some water and landed on my back. I was really worried but didn't go to the doctor cause everything seemed fine and I didn't have any pain. About a week later I was having some odd discharge and I told my mom but she wasn't to concerned and just thought I was worrying for nothing. I just had a feeling that something was wrong I couldn't shake the feeling at all. A couple of days later I woke up and I was bleeding a lot I was terrified. My mom drove me to the emergency room. They ran some test and couldn't find any reason for the bleeding they sent me home with the thought that I was possibly having a threatened miscarriage. The bleeding continued and the doctors could not find anything wrong I was constantly going to the emergency room. I had a ultra sound on February 12 and found out we were having a baby boy! I was so excited. I was put on strict bed rest and I had to leave school I did sign up for home school and would start on March 16th. I was so scared and I was so frustrated. I was told I couldn't be alone so I spent a lot of time going back and forth to my aunts and grandmas house . The bleeding continued and there was nothing we could do. On March 10th I was at the apartment just hanging out with Brandon and started having extremely horrible pain so Brandon took me too the hospital I was in labor and they admitted me. I was given medicine to stop the contraction but I had lost so much blood that I was told I need to abort the pregnancy or have a blood transfusion if I didn't get the transfusion immediately me and the baby would die.
     I know I was just a teenager but I was a mom and no matter what age it doesn't not take away the love you have for a child and the fact the you would do anything for your child even if it meant giving your life for your child and I was not ready to give up. I had the blood transfusion! I spent a few days in the hospital. On Friday the 13 I was doing much better the bleeding had slowed and I was having no pain. I wanted to go home! My aunt was getting married that night and I wanted to attend so bad I was supposed to be in the wedding and because I was so sick I couldn't but I still wanted to go. I got the okay to leave the hospital and go to the wedding as long as I sat the whole time.
     Everything was great I was happy I didn't have to miss the wedding. During the reception I stared having really bad back pain so my grandma took me back to her house. The pain got worse and worse I couldn't take it anymore around midnight my mom took me to the hospital straight to labor and delivery. I was in labor again and there was no stopping it. It went so fast the doctor never made it to the room the nurse delivered the baby. It was natural child birth and I delivered the baby still in the placenta which I was later told that it very painful more than regular birth. My baby boy never took a breath my heart was breaking. I can't not explain that feeling but I will never forget it.
     I held my baby boy as much as I possibly could and I was not ready when the mortuary took him away. The next morning I just wanted to go home I didn't want to be in that room where my son died it was to much to bare. Few days later we had to go to the mortuary and plan the funeral. I was not expecting them to ask me if I wanted to see my son. How could I say no that was my baby! They took us to the room and immediately I lost it my baby didn't even look the same and it broke my heart me and my mom just cried together.
      I eventually learned that because of my fall the placenta had separated from my uterus and had caused a huge blood clot . The placenta had completely separated from the uterus which caused me to go into early labor
     We had the funeral and there was so much support from family and friends! I visit my son every year on his birthday. I miss him everyday and I pray I will get the chance to be his mom again. For a long time I blamed myself thinking I could have done something to avoid this tragedy and sometime it still crosses my mind but I try my hardest to know I did everything I could and I would have done anything for my son.

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